This is who we are, what we represent, and what we seek
Upcoming and Ongoing Events
Support Group meetings- North America Chapter – Last Friday of every month
Support Group meeting- Africa Chapter- Last Sunday of every month
Autism Wonders 3rd Annual Holiday/End-of-Year Toys and Presents Bash- December 21st
Autism Wonders Adopt- a-Family Project- Dec 10th-31st
Autism Destigmatization community Outreach/campaign- April 1st-30th, 2025- in Ghana, USA and Canada
Global Autism News and Cases Highlights
December 2022: Autism Wonders Intervened with an autistic child who needed urgent surgery in Nigeria. Click this link for the whole story and video.
January 2023: Autism Wonders intervening for two autistic siblings who had been tied to a pole for five (5) years to keep them safe. Click here for the full story.
April 2022: South Africa- Children With Autism Excluded From Schools
Our Local Programs (For Autism Families within the United States and Canada)
Our International Programs (For Autism-Impacted families within Africa and the Caribbeans)
These programs focus on servicing Autism-impacted individuals and families residing in less privileged countries.
Join our mission to STOP Autism Stigmatization and Discrimination in Africa and the Caribbeans!!!

1 in 36 children in the U.S
1 in 34 boys identified with Autism
1 in 144 girls identified with Autism
ASD is about 4 times more likely in boys than girls
Educated over 1500 autism parents living in Africa
Reached over 1000 children and Youths in the USA in Autism Destigmatization & Antibullying Campaign
Held over 200 webinars and trainings with Autism Professional accross the world
Currently serving Autism Impacted-families residing in 3 continents
Information and Support
for Our Community

What Is Autism?
Autism is a developmental disorder that involves significant challenges in
communication, behaviors, and social interactions.
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Autism Diagnoses, Interventions, Education & Support and Research

For Individual Diagnosed with Autism

For Parents & Care Providers

For Clinicians & Therapists