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Our mission is to ensure the well-being of individuals and families impacted by Autism in a culturally sensitive manner


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We are getting rid of autism stigmatization across the world through education, empowerment, support, and resources provision to autism families and communities all over the world.



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Our vision is to bring out the abilities and wonders of individuals with Autism by creating a well-informed, accepting, supporting, resource-filled, and stigma-free society.



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Our vision is to bring out the abilities and wonders of Autism by creating a well-informed, accepting, supporting, resource-filled, and stigma-free society.


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Educating, Supporting, Empowering, and Connecting autism families and individuals to bring out the different brilliance of autism

Welcome to Autism Wonders Inc

We are here to Help, Love, Support, Educate, Connect, Strengthen and Empower all Autism-impacted families and Individuals through our several amazing programs

This is who we are, what we represent, and what we seek

Upcoming and Ongoing Events

Autism Wonders 2025 Antibullying & Antistigmatization Campaign-  Begins on March 1st

 Autism Wonders Annual Conference and Symposium – April 2025

Support Group meetings- North America Chapter – Last Friday of every month

Support Group meeting- Africa Chapter- Last Sunday of every month

Autism Wonders 3rd Annual Holiday/End-of-Year Toys and Presents Bash- December 21st

Autism Wonders Adopt- a-Family Project- Dec 10th-31st

Autism Destigmatization community Outreach/campaign- April 1st-30th, 2025- in Ghana, USA and Canada

Global Autism News and Cases Highlights

December 2022: Autism Wonders Intervened with an autistic child who needed urgent surgery in Nigeria. Click this link for the whole story and video.

January 2023: Autism Wonders intervening for two autistic siblings who had been tied to a pole for five (5) years to keep them safe. Click here for the full story.

April 2022: South Africa- Children With Autism Excluded From Schools

March 2022: Children are getting killed for the lack of education about Autism in most countries. Check out this sad story; A 70-year-old man was arrested for burying an autistic grandson alive.

Our Local Programs (For Autism Families within the United States and Canada)

 Our International Programs (For Autism-Impacted families within Africa and the Caribbeans)

These programs focus on servicing Autism-impacted individuals and families residing in less privileged countries. 

Join our mission to STOP Autism Stigmatization and Discrimination in Africa and the Caribbeans!!!



Donate Now

Our mission is to ensure the well-being of individuals and families impacted by Autism in a culturally sensitive manner


Donate Now

We are getting rid of autism stigmatization across the world through education, empowerment, support, and resources provision to autism families and communities all over the world.



Donate Now

Our vision is to bring out the abilities and wonders of individuals with Autism by creating a well-informed, accepting, supporting, resource-filled, and stigma-free society.



Donate Now

Our vision is to bring out the abilities and wonders of Autism by creating a well-informed, accepting, supporting, resource-filled, and stigma-free society.


Donate Now

Educating, Supporting, Empowering, and Connecting autism families and individuals to bring out the different brilliance of autism

1 in 36 children in the U.S
1 in 34 boys identified with Autism
1 in 144 girls identified with Autism
ASD is about 4 times more likely in boys than girls
Educated over 1500 autism parents living in Africa
Reached over 1000 children and Youths in the USA in Autism Destigmatization & Antibullying Campaign
Held over 200 webinars and trainings with Autism Professional accross the world
Currently serving Autism Impacted-families residing in 3 continents

Information and Support
for Our Community

What Is Autism?

Autism is a developmental disorder that involves significant challenges in
communication, behaviors, and social interactions.

What are the Symptoms of Autism?

Autism symptoms typically fall under three broad groups.

What are the type of Autism

Until 2013, Autism was categorized into 5 different types.

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Autism Diagnoses, Interventions, Education & Support and Research

For Individual Diagnosed with Autism
For Parents & Care Providers
For Clinicians & Therapists
For Researchers

Help Us Support
Autism Awareness, Acceptance and De-stigmatization